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Pal Indonesia dan Damen Schelde Memulai Pembangunan Kapal Fregat PKR-105

Kapal fregat ini merupakan kapal pertama yang dibangun dari 2 kapal pesanan TNI AL, selanjutnya pada rencana strategis (renstra) kedua pada 2015 - 2019 TNI AL berencana melanjutkan proyek ini dengan kapal ke-3 dan kapal ke-4 (photo : DSNS)

First Steel Cutting Kapal Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) Frigate

Surabaya – 15 Januari 2014, Dalam rangka ikut berperan aktif dalam memodernisasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan alat utama sistem persenjataan (Alutsista), PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) sebagai Lead Integrator Alutsista matra laut menggelar acara seremoni First Steel Cutting kapal jenis Perusak Kawal Rudal 105 Meter (PKR/Frigate ke-1), yang berlangsung pada hari Rabu, 15 Januari 2014, terpusat di Dermaga Kapal Perang.

Seremoni First Steel Cutting ini menjadi begitu penting mengingat Kapal perang pesanan TNI Angkatan Laut jenis PKR / Frigate ke-1  ini merupakan pengembangan Proyek Nasional dan menjadi salah satu andalan dalam mengawal keamanan wilayah laut perairan Indonesia. Sehingga para petinggi Negara berkenan hadir untuk menyaksikan acara ini, antara lain Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Kepala Staff TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana TNI Marsetio, Jajaran KEMENHAN, MABES AL, Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS), Project officer, Muspida Jatim, serta Para Undangan. Sementara Manajemen PT PAL Indonesia yang turut hadir yakni jajaran Komisaris & Direksi, Kepala Divisi beserta jajaran dibawahnya.

Kapal PKR – 105 m ini merupakan kapal pertama dari 4 kapal yang pesanan TNI AL. Selain itu PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) juga telah memproduksi kapal perang jenis Fast Patrol Boat (FPB) dengan berbagai ukuran, KCR 60 m, dan LPD 125 m. Pemenuhan kebutuhan ini diharapkan akan terus mendorong dan mempercepat terwujudnya cita-cita kemandirian alutsita negara sebagai hal yang sangat esensial bagi Bangsa Indonesia dalam mempertahankan NKRI. Sehingga menempatkan bangsa Indonesia sebagai negara strategis yang dihormati dan disegani dalam kancah percaturan dunia.

Berikut Spesifikasi Kapal Perang Perusak Kawal Rudal (Guided Missile Escort) Frigate No-1 :

Customer : Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL).
Primary functions : Anti Air Warfare, Anti Surface Warfare, Anti Submarine Warfare
Secondary : Maritime Security & Safety, Disaster Relief/Humanitarian Aid.
Hull material : Steel grade A/AH36.
Standards : Naval /Commercial, naval intact / damaged stability, noise reduced, moderate shock.
Classification : Lloyd's Register of Shipping (supervision)   100 A1 SSC Mono Patrol, G6, LMC UMS.

Length o.a. : 105.11 m
Beam mld : 14.02 m
Depth no.1 deck : 8.75 m
Draught (dwl) : 3.70 m
Displacement (dwl) : 2365 tons

Speed (Maximum power) : 28 knots
Speed on E-propulsion : 15 knots
Range at 14 knots : > 5000 NM
Endurance : > 20 days at sea

Propulsion System
Propulsion type : combined diesel or electric (CODOE)
Diesel engine : 2 x 10000 kW MCR diesel propulsion
Electric motors : 2 x 1300 kW MCR electric propulsion
Gearbox : 2 x double input input/single output
Propellers : 2 x CPP diameter 3.65 m
lntegrated platform management system

Auxilary Systems
Generator sets : 6 x 735 kWE (CAT C-32A)
Emergency gen. set : 1 x180kWE
Chilled water : 2 x units, redundant distrubution
Fire fighting : 4 x main pumps +Ix service pump
Freshwater making capacity : 2 x 14 m3/day (RO) + 2 x 7.5 m3/day (evaporators)

Deck Equipment
Helicopter deck : max. 10 tons helicopter
Heli operations : day/night with refuelling system
Helicopter hangar : suitable for approx 6 tons helicopter
RAS : on helicopter deck PS & SB, astern fuelling
Boats : 2 x RHlB

Fully air-conditioned accommodation for 122 persons
Commanding Officer  1
VIP cabin (Flag officer standard)  1
Officers  26
Chief Petty Officers  10
Petty Officers  28
Petty officer (female)  8
Junior Ratings  29
Trainee Officers  18
Canal Pilot cabin.  1
Provisions for NBC citadel/decontamination

Weapon & Sensor Suite
3D-Surveillance & target indication radar & IFF
Radar / electro optical fire control
Hull Mounted Sonar
Combat management system
Medium calibre gun 76 mm
1 x Close In Weapon System
2 x 4 SSM launchers
12 cell SAM launcher
2 x triple Torpedo launching system
2 x Decoy launchers
lntegrated internal & external communication system

Nautical Equipment

lnteqrated bridqe console, 2 x naviqation radar, ECDIS, GMDSS-A3 rencence gyro


Baca Juga :

Kapal fregat PKR-105 (photo : Navy Recognition)

DSNS Starts Steel Cutting for Sigma 10514 PKR (Perusak Kawal Rudal) Frigate

In June 2012, the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia and Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) signed the contract for the first SIGMA 10514 PKR Frigate.

In accordance with the agreed planning for the construction of this frigate, the Steel Cutting Ceremony took place simultaneously on 15 January 2014 at PT PAL (Persero) Shipyard in Surabaya (Indonesia) and DSNS in Vlissingen (the Netherlands).

DSNS will build two modules and subsequently ship them to the yard in Surabaya. The simultaneous construction and testing of the modules at two different locations signifies the unique modular building strategy of Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding; a method unparalleled in the naval shipbuilding industry.

All modules will be assembled at the PT PAL(Persero) Shipyard under main contractorship of DSNS followed by Harbour Acceptance Tests and Sea Acceptance Trials.

Second Frigate

The engineering process for the second SIGMA 10514 PKR frigate, for which the contract was signed 14 February 2014, proceeds as scheduled and construction is foreseen to start in approximately 6 months.


The acquisition of the SIGMA 10514 PKR Frigate is part of the further modernization and expansion of the Indonesian Navy, TNI-AL. The main missions and tasks of the SIGMA PKR 10514 will be in the domains of naval warfare as well as Maritime Security missions and tasks. Also, the vessel may be used for humanitarian support tasks.

Main characteristics

Length: 105 mtr
Width: 14 mtrs
Displacement: approx 2400 tons
Propulsion: Combined Diesel and Electric(CODOE)
Crew: 100 + 20 spare accommodation
Helicopter:ability to carry an organic helicopter
Combat System:
- Extensive Air, Surface and Sub-Surface Surveillance capabilities
- Guided Missile Systems and gun systems for Anti-Air Warfare and Anti-Surface  Warfare
- Torpedo systems for Anti-Submarine Warfare
- Active and Passive Electronic Warfare Systems

- Tacticos Combat Management System


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