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Chinese Experts: Vietnam Can Buy Amphibious Assault Ship, A-10 and Apache from US

Wasp class amphibious assault ship (photo : US Navy)

Expert: US-Vietnam military relations warming Vietnam was America intentionally offensive weapons

During the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff revealed Martin Dempsey on the 16th visit to Vietnam, the United States in the "near future" to discuss whether to cancel the ban lethal weapons to Vietnam provisions. Military expert Du Wenlong said during an interview with CCTV, said Vietnam needs offensive weapons, thereby improving sea and air forces of neighboring countries deterrent. China Research Institute of International Ruan Zongze that the warming of US-Vietnam military relations between the two countries, the United States marked the further deepening of the South China Sea issue involved.

Vietnam hopes to obtain weapons deterrent from the United States

U.S. arms embargo against Vietnam has experienced a process from tightening to relax. United States arms embargo against Vietnam South Vietnam regime collapse began in 1975, when the Viet Cong seized a large number of American arms left over to South Vietnam, the United States this has been brooding. 1984, Washington formally implemented an arms embargo against Vietnam. However, in recent years the attitude taken by the United States embargo has been softened. In 2007, the United States policy toward Vietnam weapons ban obvious change, the Bush administration revision of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, as the case may allow the sale of non-lethal weapons to Vietnam, but all deadly weapons remains limited. The United States if the "partial lifting of the ban on the sale of lethal weapons", arms exports to Vietnam will further relaxed.

A-10 attack aircraft (photo : USAF)

Du Wenlong believes that Vietnam needs to obtain two types of weapons: one is able to defend their vested interests weaponry; second is to improve the weapons of naval and air forces around the country have a deterrent, mainly offensive weaponry.

Du Wenlong noted that the Vietnamese want to get the most air and sea and amphibious equipment. Most Vietnam helicopters currently in use or during World War II and the Vietnam War from the United States seized the UH-1 helicopters, if Vietnam has A-10 attack aircraft and AH-64 "Apache" helicopter gunships, then Vietnam will be the ability to control at low altitude substantial increase in the target for reconnaissance capability will enhance the surrounding seas. In addition, the special needs of amphibious ships in Vietnam to improve amphibious capabilities, such as second-hand "Wasp" class amphibious assault landing craft or other common, with these weapons, the ability to defend and attack capabilities Vietnam vested interests will be greatly improved. Vietnam may also purchase radar, through a wide range of remote surveillance and early warning, raise the South China Sea maritime and aerial reconnaissance capabilities.

AH-64 attack helicopter (photo : GlobalAviationReport)

US-Vietnam military relations warming signs U.S. intervention in the South China Sea intensified

Ruan Zongze said, warming US-Vietnam military relations, and that the United States has begun to advance the Indochina region.

Ruan Zongze noted contradictory words and deeds of the United States, the United States on the one hand that the South China Sea issue "do not choose sides", on the other hand is sliding into the South China Sea issue has become a third party. He pointed out that the recent ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting, the United States formally thrown "freeze the South China Sea Action" three-point initiative, the proposal stood a non-objective and fair stance by China and the countries of resistance and opposition. Vietnam is now the United States tried to seize the South China Sea issue to intervene more forcefully, "military strength and economic strength in Vietnam belong to class level in the ASEAN region, and guardian of the southeast peninsula, geopolitical location of important American approached Vietnam relations, probably marks U.S. intervention to further deepen the South China Sea issue. "Ruan Zongze said.

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